The Wellness Room is a calm and peaceful sanctuary where Administrators, Teachers, and Support Staff can come to relax and get rid of stress. Depending on what the needs are at the school, the Wellness Room can be used for multiple purposes such as meditation, yoga, massages through a massage chair and other ways to reduce stress. The goal of a Wellness Room is to transform the whole teaching staff and school to be calmer and more peaceful during the entire day. It also encourages the teachers to work on their own personal goals in life. Studies show that in this demanding profession, 61 percent of educators, teachers, and support staff are stressed out, which affects their productivity and health. Overall these factors affect how they deal with their students and have resulted in lower grades and behavior issues in schools.
To have a Wellness Room, the school Administrator and the SEL Coach will have to identify a room available and begin building partnerships to help build and develop the Wellness Room. Often, surveys are provided to identify opinions on what is needed for each school. This allows everyone to voice and participate in building the calm space. Some spaces may be a room with salt lamps, diffusers and calm music or some rooms may have lounge chairs, inviting scents, warm lighting and a quiet space to relax one's mind. School that provide Wellness Rooms have educators and staff that are able to be calmer during instruction time.

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